Speaking of teaching: Inclinations, inspirations, and innerworkings. Panel Dialogue with Educators, Sponsored by City University of Seattle and Writeroom Press, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Read Field Note
Embodiment and mindfulness: Contemplative perspectives on and approaches to education. Sponsored by Simon Fraser University, Vancouver BC, Canada. Read Field Note
Invited presentation at Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference with Dr. Thomas Falkenberg (chair), Dr. Julie Desjardin, Dr. Antoinette Gagné, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, and Dr. Tom Russell. Montreal PQ. Read Field Note
Invited member of panel that included, Dr. Reggie Ray (Dharma Ocean Foundation), Dr. Daniel Vokey (UBC), Dr. Kimbery Schonert-Reichl (UBC), Viktor Chan (Dalai Lama Centre). Read Field Note