
From time to time, notices about workshops, public talks, and other happenings that may be of interest to you will be posted here. If you are already on the email mailout list, you will receive an email notice about these events.

I share with you here, briefly, the design principles behind all events. First of all, philosophy and practice will invariably be part of what is offered. Secondly, talks and workshops are designed in such a way as to facilitate growth and creative nurturance from the point a person, couple, and/or community is at in their development continuum. Thirdly, there will always be an emphasis and focus on inner, relational, and community work and development, and all in an integrated way. The approach taken acknowledges the continuity between the inner and outer worlds. Fourthly, experiential exercises are designed to address individuals, couples, and groups in a way that allows access and personal work to take place. And lastly, as offerings are being created I/we are mindful to be sensitive to each person’s abilities and requirements.

The view underlying the work is that each person, relationship, and group has an intrinsic impulse towards healing, growth, creative expression, and wholeness.

And, from time to time events will be co-presented with Dr. Heesoon Bai, a.k.a. my wife.

Previous Events

Events have been on hold since the beginning of the Pandemic. We will see what emerges as time moves along.

Multidimensional Human Growth Group

January 14, 2020 - April 14, 2020 (every 2nd Tuesday)
Dr. Avraham Cohen, Office

This will be the second time that this group has been offered. We had a most successful, energizing, individual and community development experience last time. This group will be focused on what Abraham Maslow referred to as the far reaches of human nature.

High Dreams: Practice and Process in the Relational Field

Friday, June 21, 2019 and Saturday, June 22, 2019
Vancouver, BC

This workshop is designed for counsellors, psychotherapists, mindfulness practitioners, and anyone interested in consciousness development, wholeness, and relationship.

Presence and Relationship Workshop

Friday, June 22, 2018 and Saturday, June 23, 2018

In this workshop, we will explore the intrinsically related processes of presence and relationship within the context of our personal history and contemporary culture. Our approach will be based on integration of contemplative practices, inner work, and relational practice.

Holistic Model of Self-Care Practice

Public Talk
November 7, 2017, 6:30-9:00pm
Adler University, Vancouver, BC

Holistic Model of Self-Care Practice. Public talk invited by the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors at the Adler University, Vancouver BC

Seeding, Cultivating, and Nurturing Embodied Presence

June 24, 2017
Vancouver, British Columbia

This one-day workshop is designed for practicing therapists and counselling students who, already knowing a great deal about the art and science of therapy, nonetheless suspect that there must be some well-guarded secrets to our professional knowledge and skills perhaps only known to adepts.

Enlightenment: The cure for what ails you

Public Talk
October 10, 2014
Adler University, Vancouver, BC

Enlightenment: The cure for what ails you. Public talk invited by the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors at the Adler University, Vancouver BC.

Speaking of teaching: Inclinations, inspirations, and innerworkings

November 14, 2013
City University of Seattle, Vancouver, BC

Speaking of teaching: Inclinations, inspirations, and innerworkings. Panel Dialogue with Educators, Sponsored by City University of Seattle and Writeroom Press, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Embodiment and mindfulness: Contemplative perspectives on and approaches to education

October 12, 2013
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Mountain Campus

Embodiment and mindfulness: Contemplative perspectives on and approaches to education. Sponsored by Simon Fraser University, Vancouver BC, Canada.

From fear and hostility to hospitality and awakening

July 7, 2012
Johannes Gutenberg Universitat

From fear and hostility to hospitality and awakening. Invited presentation in Formen und Strategien der Aneignung des Fremden, Veranstaltung des Zentrums fur Interkulturelle Studien (ZIS der JGU), Johannes Gutenberg Universitat, Mainz, Germany.

Educational Understanding of Wu-Wei (Non-Doing) and Anatta (No-Self)

February 15, 2011
Nanjing International Conference Centre, China

Paper presented at The International Conference for Moral Education (the Annual General Meeting of The Association for Moral Education (AME): Nanjing China.

Touching the Earth with the Heart of the Enlightened Mind: Mindfulness and Environmental Education

Public Talk
May 23, 2010
Ontario Institute for the Study of Education (OISE), University of Toronto

University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for the Study of Education (OISE): Toronto ON.

Teacher Education Practices: The Education of Teacher Educators

May 22, 2010
Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE)

Invited presentation at Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference with Dr. Thomas Falkenberg (chair), Dr. Julie Desjardin, Dr.   Antoinette Gagné, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, and Dr. Tom Russell. Montreal PQ.

Mindfulness and Yoga: Social Discipline or Spiritual Practice?

October 25, 2009
Simon Fraser University, Downtown Campus

Invited member of panel that included, Dr. Reggie Ray (Dharma Ocean Foundation), Dr. Daniel Vokey (UBC), Dr. Kimbery Schonert-Reichl (UBC), Viktor Chan (Dalai Lama Centre).

Inner Work and Outstanding Educators

September 21, 2009
UBC Faculty of Education

Invited presentation: Inner Work and Outstanding Educators. Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia: Vancouver BC.

(Re)turning to the breath: Ethical turns and Eastern philosophies

Public Talk
August 8, 2008 from 6-9pm
University of Kyoto Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto

(Re)turning to the breath: Ethical turns and Eastern philosophies. INPE 2008. International Network of Philosophers of Education: Eleventh Biennial Conference: Education and Multicultural Understanding. University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan.