Cohen, A., Bai, H. (2021). Meaning, Inner Work, and Non-ordinary Consciousness. 11TH BIENNIAL INTERNATIONAL MEANING CONFERENCE. Virtual Conference: From Vulnerability to Resilience & Wellbeing During the Pandemic: Advances in Existential Positive Psychology (PP2.0)
Cohen, A., Bai, H. (2021). Innerwork for Couples: A Polyvocal and Multidimensional Approach. CCPA online conference: Helping Each Other in the Face of Adversity.
Bai, H., Cohen, A., Berry, K., & Haber, J. (2021). Zen and the Art of Psychotherapy. BCACC Conference: Counselling in a Changing World (online conference).
Lin, J., Bai, H., Cohen, A., McHugh, D., Culham, T., Sun, Y., & Khoo, Y. (2021). Critical Compassionate Inner Work: Cultivating Health and Well-being amidst Pandemic and Crises (Contemplative Inquiry & Holistic Ed SIG workshop). (Cohen & Bai section: inner work, ego, rage and transforming this powerful energy) CIES 65th Annual Meeting: Social Responsibility within Changing Contexts.
Cohen, A., & Bai, H. (2019). Paradigm Shift: From Egoic to Post-Egoic Psychotherapy. BCACC Conference: Wired Together: Self, Science, Society Conference. Richmond BC.
Cohen, A., Ho, J., & Bai, H. (2018). Meaning Making in Counsellor Education Classrooms. Workshop presentation, and Positive Education Symposium presentation. 2018 International Meaning Conference: Courage, Faith, and Meaning: Existential Postive Psychology’s Response to Adversity. Vancouver BC, Canada.
Cohen, A., & Ho, J. (September 14-17, 2017). The Human Dimension in Educational Environments (Research Study). University of Southern Oregon, Ashland, OR. 2nd International Conference: Holistic Teaching and Learning.
Bai, H., Scott, C., & Cohen, A. (September 14-17, 2017). To Be Whole is to Heal: Education as Contemplative Inner and Intersubjective Work. University of Southern Oregon, Ashland, OR. 2nd International Conference: Holistic Teaching and Learning.
Cohen, A., & Ho, J. May 2017. The Human Dimension in Educational Environments (Research Study). Ryerson University, Toronto ON. Canadian Society for the Study of Education.
Rasmussen, D., Bai, H., Cohen, A., & Roomy, A. (October 10-12, 2014). Is there a role for the ‘Heart Opening Practices in Higher Education? University of Washington, Seattle WA. The 6th Annual Conference of the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education: Intention, Method, and Evaluation.
Cohen, A., & Bai, H. (July 24-27, 2014). Life Enhancing Psychotherapy through Iniatory Self Cultivation:Emergence of Meaning from the Practice of Integrating Contemplative and Psychological Dimensions. Vancouver BC: International Network of Personal Meaning (INPM)Conference: Exploring What Makes Life Worth Living
Bai, H., & Cohen, A. (September, 2014). Becoming Holistic Educators: The Integrative- Contemplative Way. School of Education at Southern Oregon University, Ashland OR: Holistic Education Conference: Nourishing the Soul of Education.
Cohen, A., Gordon, M., Park, S., & Bai, H. (2014). Contemplative Moving Arts as Self- cultivation Practice for Educators. Seattle WA: The 6th Annual Conference of the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education: Intention, Method and Evaluation.
Bai, H., Tait, S., Eppert, C., Nguyen, T., Cohen, A., Vokey, D. (2013). Philosophy of Education Goes Intercultural: Considerations of Worldviews. Canadian Society for the Study of Education. University of Victoria: Victoria BC.
Cohen, A., Fiorini, K., Culham, T. & Bai, H. (2013). The Circle of Leadership Integrity within Business Organizations. Canadian Society for the Study of Education. University of Victoria BC.
Bai, H. & Cohen, A. (2012). Sustainable wellbeing primer. Educating for Sustainable Well- being: Concepts, Issues, Perspectives, and Practices. Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Manitoba (November 24, 2012).
Cohen, A. with Scott, C., Bai, H., Culham, T., Park. S., (2012). An Integrated Approach to Contemplative Practice: The Mindful and Dialogical Explorations of a “Collaboratory.” Presentation at the American Educational Research Association 2012 AGM, Holistic Education SIG. Vancouver BC, Canada.
Cohen, A. (2011). Educational Understanding of Wu-Wei (Non-Doing) and Anatta (No-Self). Paper presented at The International Conference for Moral Education (the Annual General Meeting of The Association for Moral Education (AME): Nanjing China.
Culham, T., Cohen, A., & Fiorini, K. (2011). Inner Work, Daoism, and Leadership. Presentation at Sixteenth Annual Values and Leadership Conference: Authentic Leadership: The Intersection of Purpose, Process and Context. Laurel Point Inn, Victoria BC.
Culham, T., & Cohen, A. (2011). Inner Work, Daoism, and Leadership. Presentation at the Holistic Learning Association, Seventh International Conference. Geneva Park Conference Centre, Orillia ON.
Bai, H., Cohen, A., Culham, T., Park, S., Rabi, S., Scott, C., & Tait, S. (2011). Möbius Band Work: Collaborative Experiment in Contemplative Consciousness. Presentation at the Holistic Learning Association, Seventh International Conference. Geneva Park Conference Centre, Orillia ON.
Bai, H., Cohen, A., Culham, T., Park, S., Rabi, S., Scott, C., & Tait, S. (2011). Classroom as Alchemical Container: Educator as Alchemist. Conference Opening Plenary Panel. The Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education, West Coast Regional Conference. Whidbey Institutute, Clinton WA.
Cohen, A., with Heesoon Bai, and Charles Scott (2010). Connected Understanding for Social Ecological Activism: Contributions from Asian Philosophies to Education. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 2010, Canadian Association for the Foundations of Education (CAFE) Division, Montreal PQ.
Cohen, A., with Rosa Chen (2010). Pedagogy and Curriculum as Artistic Practice: Learning from Arts-Based Research. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 2010, Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS) Division, Montreal PQ.
Cohen, A. (2010). Paper presention, Educational Understanding of Wu-Wei (Non- Doing) and Anatta (No-Self) as part of panel presentation with Claudia Eppert, Heesoon Bai, and Daniel Vokey Toward Healing and Integrative Dialogue with Self, Others and Environment. Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA). Annual Conference: East West Center, Honolulu HI.
Cohen, A., with Karen Fiorini (2009). Wisdom Traditions and Contemporary Educational Leadership. 12th Annual Conference: Investigating Our Practices. University of British Columbia and British Columbia Teacher’s Federation.
Cohen, A., with Karen Meyer, Tony Clarke, Marion Porath, Carl Leggo, and Heesoon Bai. (2009). Living Pedagogy: Six Noteworthy Educators Reflect on Their Inner Life and Their Pedagogical Practices. American Educational Research Association Annual General Meeting: Division K-Teaching and Teacher Education/Section 5: The Lives of Teachers. San Diego CA.
Cohen, A. with Heesoon Bai (2009). What Can Eastern Philosophies Contribute to Curriculum Theory and Pedagogical Practice in the Field of Western Education? American Educational Research Association Annual General Meeting: SIG— Confucianism, Taoism, and Education. San Diego CA.
Cohen, A., with Heesoon Bai. (2009). The Mindful Counsellor: Enlightenment Practices In- The-Moment for the Counsellor. Canadian Counselling Association Conference 2009: Changing Landscapes. Saskatoon, SK.
Cohen, A., with Arden Henley and Glen Grigg. The Scholar-Practitioner Model in Graduate Counsellor Education. Canadian Counselling Association Conference 2009: Changing Landscapes. Saskatoon, SK.
Cohen, A., with Heesoon Bai, Claudia Eppert, and Robert Hattam. (2008). (Re)turning to the breath: Ethical turns and Eastern philosophies. INPE 2008. International Network of Philosophers of Education: Eleventh Biennial Conference: Education and Multicultural Understanding. University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan.
Cohen, A., with Karen Meyer, Tony Clarke, Marion Porath, Carl Leggo, and Heesoon Bai. (2008). Living pedagogy: Six noteworthy educators reflect on their pedagogical practices; A. Cohen with Sean Park, Healing and philosophy; and A. Cohen, session chair, Philosophy and governance in teacher education. Papers presented at CSSE 2008: Thinking Beyond Borders/Global Ideas: Global Values, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A., with Heesoon Bai, Larry Green, Bea Donald, Daniel Vokey, and Barbara Houston (2008). Sophia and Therapia: Love of wisdom begins with healing; with Daniel Vokey, Bruce Novak, Avi Bernstein-Nahar, Heesoon Bai, Sean Blenkinsop, Ann Diller, Kevin Gary, Claudia Eppert, Living (in the academy) “divided no more.” Papers presented at Democracy and Education, Philosophy of Education Society 2008, Cambridge, MA.
Cohen, A., with Heesoon Bai. What are the Eastern wisdom traditions good for? (2008) Paper presented for SIG Confucianism, Taoism, and Education, at Research on Schools, Neighbourhoods, and Communities: Toward Civic Responsibility, AERA 2008, New York.
Cohen, A., with Larry Green. (2007). Modern institutions in a post-modern world: Driving with an obsolete map. Paper presented at GSCOPE 2007, SFU, Burnaby, BC.
Cohen, A., with June Wong (2007). What actually goes on in the hearts and minds of a student and a teacher. Paper presented at Investigating Our Practices (IOP) 2007 UBC, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A., with Daniela Elza, and Dr. Heesoon Bai. So much truth, so much being: Poetic provocations to philosophical musings. Panel presentation at CSSE 2007, Bridging Communities: Making Public Knowledge: Making Knowledge Public, CPES 2007 Annual Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Cohen, A., with Heesoon Bai. (2007). Suffering loves and needs company: Daoist and Zen perspectives on the counsellor as companion. Paper presented at Canadian Counselling Association in partnership with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors Conference 2007, Connecting with our Clients: Counselling in the 21st Century, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2007). Towards better balance in the ecology of consciousness, for session, Exploring New Insights in Holistic Education (SIG-Holistic Education); Exceptional Educators: Understanding the Dimensions of their Practice, for session, What Constitutes the Exceptional Educator? Self-Study Exponents Reflect on Learning and Teaching, Practice and Pedagogy (SIG-Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices). Papers presented at AERA 2007: The World of Educational Quality, Chicago, IL.
Cohen, A. (2006). River flow: Dao and Zen in teacher education, for session, Exploring the ecology and landscapes of teacher preparation programs. Paper presented at How Might Teacher Education Live Well in a Changing World, International Conference on Teacher Education, Calgary, Canada.
Cohen, A. (2006). Following the breadcrumbs to the end of ultimate meaning. Paper presented at Addiction, Meaning, and Spirituality, 4th Biennial Meaning Conference. Vancouver BC.
Cohen, A., with Marion Porath. (2006). The identification and cultivation of gifted educators. Paper presented for Faculty of Education Research Day, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2006). The secret life of educators and students: What actually goes on in the hearts and minds of classroom participants, what it means, and how to work with it (and not against it). Paper presented at Investigating Our Practices 2006: 9th Annual Conference, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, and British Columbia Teacher’s Federation, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A., with Heesoon Bai. (2006). Dao and Zen in the classroom: Now and then the alchemical vessel gets hot. Paper presented at The Languages of Learning, WestCAST 2006, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2006). Dreaming life: Working with a personal dream—on my own; The identification and cultivation of gifted educators; and What can happen when philosophy encounters “diversity, democracy and the future”? Paper presented at Mapping the Educational Landscape: Diversity, Democracy, and the Future, Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Conference, York University, Toronto, ON.
Cohen, A. (2006). The Identification and Cultivation of Gifted Educators. Paper presented at Mapping the Educational Landscape: Diversity, Democracy, and the Future, Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Conference, York University, Toronto, ON.
Cohen, A. (2006). What Can Happen When Philosophy encounters “Diversity, Democracy and the Future”? Panel Presentation at Mapping the Educational Landscape: Diversity, Democracy, and the Future, Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Conference, York University, Toronto, ON.
Cohen, A. (2005, November 2–5). A Radical Perspective: Facilitating the Community Development Dimension in Groups. Paper presented at Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association 26th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2005, September 30, October 1). The mentoring relationship: A poetic perspective (with Dr. Carl Leggo); and Learning to learn together and possible approaches to a curriculum of living: mutuality, recognition, deep democracy, presence and non- discursively (panel presentation). Papers presented at Learning to Live Together, CIES West Conference, UBC, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2005). Process, dialogue, and creative subversion of the mentoring relationship (with Dr. Carl Leggo); and Dissociative Identity Disorder: Perspectives, alternatives, altered states, metaphor, and other realities. Papers presented at 2005 Faculty of Education Research Day, UBC, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2005). Consciousness transformation: Integration of the inner path and outer experience in classrooms. Paper presented at Investigating our Practices Annual Conference, co-sponsored by the Faculty of Education, UBC, and the BC Teacher’s Federation, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2005, May 14). The Tao of education: shifting the paradigm in reflective practice of educators. Paper presented at 1st Annual City University Canada Wide Academic Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2005). We teach who we are and that is the problem. Presentation to Spirituality and Education, Special Interest Group, Demography and Democracy in the Era of Accountability, AERA 2005, Montreal, PQ.
Cohen, A., and Heesoon Bai. (2005). Chi philosophy’s relevance to today’s violence-ridden world. Paper presented at featured symposium, Eastern Thought and New Horizons, Demography and Democracy in the Era of Accountability, AERA 2005, Montreal, PQ.
Cohen, A. (2005). The inner life of the educator: a radical perspective. Paper presented to Graduate Student Special Interest Group at Empire and Education: The challenge of teaching and learning in a time of war, CSSE 2005, London, ON.
Cohen, A., with Carl Leggo. (2005). The intersubjective space: mentorship and dialogue between supervisor and student: having personal-academic relationships and conversations that matter, provoke, and evoke. Paper presented at Educating Teachers and Health Professionals, CSSE 2005, London, ON.
Cohen, A., with Heesoon Bai and Thomas Falkenberg. (2005). Role of care in building communities. Paper presented at Building Community with Heart, BCSCA Conference 2005, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2004). Group process and pedagogy. Invited paper presented at Western Canada 2004 Spring Academic Conference, City University, Vancouver, B.C
Cohen, A. (2004). Contemplations on and rumors about the inner life of the educator: Inner experiences as raw data for personal and professional growth and development. Paper presented at Scholarship and Reflection in Teaching and Learning, sponsored by the Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth, UBC 4th Annual Learning Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2004). Contemplations on and rumors about the inner life of the educator: Inner experiences as raw data for personal and professional growth and development. Paper presented at Coffee and Conversations with UBC Graduate Students, sponsored by The Center for Cross Faculty Inquiry (CCFI), Faculty of Education Research Day University of British Columbia Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2004).The human dimension in educational environments. Paper presented at Faculty of Education Research Day, UBC, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2003). Community development in educational environments. Paper presented at Investigating Our Practices, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, A. (2002, May). Whole person meditation. Paper presented at Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
(* theses that were published in book form)
Carter, B. (2014). Exploration of Mind: Meditation as Vehicle for Personal and Professional Development. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Chen, C. (2014). Tapping into the Gift of the Wounded Healer: Exploring a Personal Journey Through Woundedness. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Damato, C. (2014). Prickles and goo: The Bihemispheric brain and east-west cultural Differences. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
McLaughlin, D. (2014). Written on the body: The role of metaphor in understanding eating disorders. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Turczyk, K. (2014). Imagination, creativity, and spirituality: Altered states of consciousness in childhood. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Veltri, T. ((2014). Exploring Past-Life Regression Therapy as an Effective Therapeutic Tool: Looking at Case Studies to Identify Themes and Benefits. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Bojm, J. (2013). A personal exploration of counselling education. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Dayan, M. O. (2013). Birthing the father within: Therapeutic approaches for the nascent father. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Gibson, J. (2013). Growth outside the counsellor’s office: Theoretical and practical approaches to ecotherapy. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Rabi, S. (2013). Psychological flexibility and sustainable recovery in early recovery within residential treatment centres. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
*Schachter, L. (2013). Scared to death: Exploring death anxiety and the wounded healer. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
*Burdziuk, A. (2012). Finding the self: A heart journey. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
*Chutter, K. (2012). Confronting the red devil and other stories about cancer. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Shariatifar, L. (2012). Self care for a wounded healer. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Turner, S. (2012). Coming home to the body: Self-regulation, and social engagement in clinical practice. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle. 21
Weiler, K. (2012). Lighting the path: Making friends with fear. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Schachter-Snipper, L. (2012). Uncorking the bottle: A study on binge drinking women aged 25-35. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Topham, D. (2012). Attachment and neurobiology. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Hall, B. (2011). Couples relationship education: The role of the group in achieving and maintaining therapeutic gains. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Thoreval, L. (2011). Exploring Childbearing, Birth, and Motherhood Following a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
*Wickie, J. (2011). Shoulder to shoulder: Post traumatic stress disorder in female military personnel. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Chesick, R. (2011). The nonduality metaphor: A sourcebook for counselors. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Prinsen, A. (2013). My journey to motherhood after cancer and infertility. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Campbell, R. (2011). The path of the witness: A yoga therapy model for emotional health. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Garner, P. (2011). Narrative therapy’s approach to anorexia. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Fong, C. (2011). Expanding the boundaries of counselling and psychotherapy: A proposal for shiatsu infused counselling. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Emam, G. (2010). Inner journey of a developing therapist: Self and relational shifts that touch spiritual, personal, and professional domains. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Frost-Hunt, K. (2010). Snap, crackle, and pop: Changing midlife relationships. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Kenny, D. (2010). Counselling stepfamilies: Who struggles with what? Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Kienzel, O. (2010). Cassandra at the crossroads: Carol Gilligan and the struggle to be heard. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Niesluchowska, P. (2009). The Adolescent from Poland: An Autoethnographic Journey of an Immigrant Experience in Canada. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Rushton, K. L. (2009). Examining the Effects of Room Colour on Emotion: A Research Proposal. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Harris, J. (2009). Menopause 101: An Alternative Approach to a Life Transition. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
*Florian, K. (2009). Three Seasons of Change: Connecting Life, School and Learning About the Art of Counselling. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
*Beveridge, L. M. (2009). Parents’ of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Experiences of Stress, Coping and Perceived Need for Counselling Services. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Douglas, C. (2008). Effective approaches and practices to counselling when working with adolescents who are impacted by fetal alcohol syndrome: A therapist’s perspective. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
*Chute, M. R. (2008). Closeness in crisis: A proposal for identifying resilience in couples who face the crisis of cancer in their child. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
*Bonnah, S. (2008). Profiles of resistance: A response based approach to youth in care. City University of Seattle: Vancouver BC.
Aguila, D. (2008). Political activism and political ideology: Contributing factors in the resilience of war and political trauma survivors. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Lewellyn, G. (2008). Personality types in a post-injury chronic pain population. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
*Sangster, M. (2008). The potential influence of personal experience on the landscape of the self. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Mau, S. Y. (2008). Childhood trauma and substance abuse recovery: Similar patterns. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.
Voth, L. (2008). My rediscovery of play as an adult through clowning. Vancouver BC: City University of Seattle.