- Learn how to be fully in the moment with your clients on multiple levels: physically, emotionally, cognitively, and energetically
- Bring more vitality and flow into your therapy sessions
- Engage with clients on a deeper interpersonal level
- Explore your individual barriers to presence
This one-day workshop is designed for practicing therapists and counselling students who, already knowing a great deal about the art and science of therapy, nonetheless suspect that there must be some well-guarded secrets to our professional knowledge and skills perhaps only known to adepts. Confirming their intuition, this workshop will introduce the participants to the core knowledge and practices of therapy that tend to be insufficiently attended to in counsellor education that is moving increasingly towards amassment of specialized and technicized knowledge and skills. While affirming the importance of knowledge and skills, our workshop focuses on the art of presencing and attunement. The power of these two dimensions, skillfully applied, can take the practice of therapy to a deeper level: by meeting your client exactly where they need to be met, moment-by-moment and thereby facilitating resolution of whatever has been blocking the flow of their life energy and arresting the course of their human development.
This workshop will be conducted as a collaborative learning community that practices therapeutic presence. Dr. Avraham Cohen will facilitate the practice supported by Dr. Heesoon Bai.
The day will include time in mindful attunement, contemplative and psychological teachings about therapeutic presence, demonstrations, self-inquiry practice activities, and group process work in the service of experiencing and learning about being fully present in the moment with oneself and others. Attention will be paid to how these new learnings can be integrated into your therapy practice and everyday life.
Suite 304, 128 West 6th Ave,
Buzz 304
Vancouver, BC
Registration Rate:
$75.00 (students, recent graduates, and unwaged)
For more information please email
Dr. Avraham Cohen at:
[E-Address: dr.avrahamcohen | gmail]