In and Out of Awareness…

June 1, 2022

I have been reflecting for decades on the role of the unconscious in our experience of being human, namely that which falls outside of our awareness, and my recognition that the unconscious plays an enormous part in our daily life. Indeed, it is a good thing that much of our daily lives is supported to run smoothly by that which is no longer in our awareness. Imagine having to figure out how to open up a tube of toothpaste every time you are about to brush your teeth! Or, even more dramatically, how to walk every time you are about to change locations. Read Field Note

The Ephemeral Line Between…

May 1, 2022

The current Field Note arises out of some thoughts I have had over time and particularly arising from last month’s Field Note. I realized that there was a further conundrum that challenges all of us, and it goes something like the following: “Okay, I have done substantial inner work, and I am aware of and understand many of my egoic selves and their relationships. That is, how these have formed initially as a perceived survival, love-getting effort, which for very young children is an autonomic survival response to challenging situations that are encountered and that over time constitute and grow reified identities. Read Field Note

Rehabilitating Your Parents

April 1, 2022

As most of us have realized, our parents are not very open to being rehabilitated, especially by us, their children. Why am I talking about rehabilitating our parents? Why am I even thinking about such a project? Perhaps you are thinking that I have I run out of juicy topics to address in my Field Note? Not at all! This is entirely for our benefit; us their children. Read Field Note

The Fine Art of Not Being Offended

March 1, 2022

There is an ancient and well-kept secret to support well-being, which some few seem to know and many do not. The practice itself is quite easy to name and, for most of us, is extremely difficult to practice. In order to truly be a master of this art, the first requirement is that one must be able to see that every statement, action, and reaction of another human being is the sum result of their total life experience to date. That is, the majority of people in our world say and do what they say and do from their own set of wants, perceived needs, longings, hopes, as well as fears, worries, and defenses and attempts to survive. Read Field Note

The Impossible Will Take A Little Longer

February 1, 2022

I will start with a quote from my dad. As you know, I have on previous occasions shared my father’s words that in retrospect have turned out to be small wisdom sayings for me. Of course, I didn’t know when I first heard these utterings as a teenager, or even when I was a young man, that there was a profound value to his humorous expressions. Read Field Note

The Inside Story: Doing My Own Inner Work

November 1, 2021

Perhaps you have heard the not too complementary joke about psychotherapists; that the reason they get into psychotherapy is to solve their own problems. Well, speaking for myself, I can say that this is absolutely 100% true! Furthermore, I think the world would be a better place, if more people would take this approach: namely, seriously taking up studies and practices to resolve their own issues and become more of who they truly and authentically are. We do not have to look very far to see that most of the people we know, and particularly those in leadership positions at all levels, to realize that the way they are dealing with the world and handling (or mishandling or ignoring) problems in the world seems to be an outcome of their own unresolved problems, and is decidedly outwardly focused. Read Field Note

Little Flame

October 1, 2021

Hello everyone! I am now back from my annual two-month summer retreat/break. This particular break emerged differently for me than most previous ones, and which I will share about in the present Field Note. As well, this Field Note will likely come across as somewhat more philosophical than usual. Read Field Note

The Profound and Long-lasting Effects of ‘Non-Events’ in Human Development and Relations

July 1, 2021

There is a tendency in the way we humans think that if something didn’t happen to us as we were growing up, that’s not as bad as something negative that happened to us. In this Field Note, I intend to show that such may not be the case, and in some very important ways. As you listen and/or read this Field Note, I think it is very likely you will find some resonances with what I share with you. I am going to share a narrative dialogue between myself and a ‘composite’ person who is an assembly of my own experiences, as well as being based on my work with many clients over the years. Read Field Note

Life Changing, Non-substance, Micro-dosing Practice for an Increasingly Enhanced and Skilful Sense of Self

June 1, 2021

In this Field Note I believe you will find ideas and practices that will take you into the realm of expanded consciousness, and that you will discover some ways to research and experiment with your life and consciousness, beyond the realms of suffering and pain. “Suffering and pain” is a big territory that includes frustration, annoyance, anxiety, boredom, meaninglessness, fear and so on. I will not go over the ground that I have covered previously about inner work with your egoic structures that limit your ability to be fluid and flexible, uncovering and working with your edges, transcending those edges, and moving increasingly into realms of expanded awareness and experiencing of life. For sure that was the core and underlying work that builds the foundation for what I will offer you in this field note as practice. Read Field Note

The Edge: What Comes Before, During, and After

May 1, 2021

The famous TV science fiction series, Star Trek: The Final Frontier, has a well-known line as part of the introduction to each episode, which is part of the mission statement of the Starship Enterprise, “. . . to go where no man has gone before . . ..”  (Of course, today, we need to say, “. . . to go where no humans have gone before . . ..”)  As a psychotherapist, whenever I hear that phrasing, I think of such intrepid journey of exploration and discovery taking place in the inner and relational worlds. Read Field Note