The ‘Quest’ for Vulnerability as Openness

July 1, 2018

Within the realm of existential-humanistic psychotherapy, there is a high value placed on vulnerability. This seems to be in contrast to the dominant culture and the apparent value placed on being a tough, strong, individual. An important question to investigate is the nature, construction, and place of this vulnerability. For example, what is meant by vulnerability? Read Field Note

Choosing and Not Choosing a Counsellor: Being a Counsellor Who is Chosen or Not-Chosen

December 12, 2017

Of course a reference from someone you know and trust is a very good starting point. However, if you are calling without such reference, or want to confirm for yourself, ask questions of a counsellor with whom you are contemplating working that are purposefully intended to test them. Listen carefully to what they say, but more specifically note what is not said and your own sense of their authenticity, willingness to respond in an open and honest way, and the clarity of their language. Ask about:  Their own work on themselves. Read Field Note

Perception: Life Affirming and Life Eroding Experience

December 10, 2017

I prefer the terms, “life affirming and life eroding” to the usual terms of positive and negative about behaviors, feelings, and actions. These latter seem to me to have judgemental and not helpful and self-critical connotations. The core issue is about inner conflict. Is there a part of you that is trying to do something life affirming and another part of you that is offering a ‘no-go’ effort? Read Field Note


September 9, 2017

Reframing is a technique that evolved from Aaron T. Beck's work with developing cognitive therapy. He talked about cognitive restructuring. It became a 'handy' tool for changing perceptions. In some sense, it was a trick to 'fool' the unconscious, and it often worked, or so it seemed. However, what lies unseen below the surface still has power. Read Field Note

Mindfulness and Awareness

September 9, 2017

The term mindfulness can be misleading, as it seems for some people to point to thinking which is equated with the mind. Mindfulness is a usual translation of the Pali word ‘sati. ’ A truer translation would perhaps be recollective awareness; literally ‘going back and remembering. ’ Perhaps just the term awareness is good, too, as it connotes something holistic. Read Field Note

Repression and Suppression

March 7, 2017

Repression and suppression are such a norm in our culture that these experiences are rarely noticed, let alone questioned. Each person has an internalized suppressor and a repressor. For example, consider your own history of schooling from the earliest days. I have memories sitting in school as a young child and being deathly afraid of the principal who, I know, had the power to punish me. Read Field Note

Relational Communication

March 7, 2017

Work with another person directly on the relationship between you and another. Invite the other to say what he or she senses/feels in the moment as the two of you engage with each other. Also, invite the other to tell you what he or she sees in you; that is what are their ideas about who you are and what motivates you. Also, invite the other to say what might be missing from what what is experienced and interpreted. Read Field Note

About Theory

March 5, 2017

Theorizing is an attempt to make sense of one’s experience in the world, and do so in a way of “map-making”: that is, systematically, and with a view to share the results with others. When theorizing is approached in this way, we others are invited to map their own experiences onto the one that is being offered. Thus the process generates engagement and dialogue amongst people. But, unlike regular maps, theories exhibit core values as well as core views. Read Field Note

Non-ordinary consciousness (NOC)

February 6, 2017

NOC can be induced with the use of substances and techniques. There is ample evidence for this. What this “method” does not provide, however, is transformation of the bases in consciousness that were formed from earliest days. What lies at the base of consciousness is inextricably woven into every aspect of a human being. Read Field Note

Integration of Four Components

February 6, 2017

Integration of Four Components that make up pursuit of any art. The four components are: 1) passion, 2) talent, 3) skill, and 4) knowing what matters to you and what the art or activity contributes to you and to others. I illustrate these with my own story. Passion: This feeling of love and fascination with a particular art or activity cannot be manufactured. Read Field Note